Monday, August 9, 2010

Stages of MST Program Development

Stage A – Local program developer makes first contact
•Learn overview of development process
•Determine if MST should be considered in more depth
•Learn of other alternative courses of action if MST is not a good fit

Stage B – The MST Needs Assessment Session (Two-hour telephone conference)
•Include key personnel from program developer agency
•Define community need in terms of target treatment population
•Provide MST Services with information about program developer agency
•Provide program developer agency with information about MST Services
•Learn about resource requirements to implement MST
•Make decision to pursue MST program development or alternate action

Stage C – The MST Critical Issues Session (Two-hour telephone conference)
•Include key agency program development team personnel
•Learn to identify and engage key community stakeholders
•Clarify target population with prioritization and exclusion criteria
•Develop client referral process
•Develop program evaluation component

Stage D – The MST Site Readiness Review Meeting (On-site meeting)
•Complete and approve final draft of program description, goals and implementation guidelines
•Inform key community persons about MST
•Implement staff recruitment process
•Assure support and buy-in from key community stakeholders

Stage E – Staff Recruitment Assistance and Orientation Training
•Complete staff recruitment
•Complete MST 5-Day Orientation of all program staff

Stage F – On-going Program Implementation Support
•Commence referral process and client treatment
•Commence weekly team consultation on all open cases
•Commence quarterly team booster training
•Conduct periodic program review of process and outcome goals